Chamorro Standard Time: Friday, January 17, 2025 - 10:13 PM





The Guam State Clearinghouse drafted its Standard Operating Procedures in the first year of the Cavlo-Tenorio Administration. It describes, step by step, the grant review process and the requirements for applications submitted to the Guam State Clearinghouse.

Enabling Legislation and Public Law Amendments

Here you can view our duties as prescribed by the Guam Code Annotated as well as additional local public law amendments relative to our duties and responsibilities.

5GCA Chapter 2

P.L. 31-168

P.L. 31-233 Article 5, Section 34 and 35

Circulars & Memoranda

Please click on the links below to view circulars and memoranda.

CIRCULAR 2015-1: Relative to quarterly grant reporting requirements from agencies to the GSC.

Helpful Guides and Reports


Quick Guides:
  1. 1. Get a DUNS number
  2. 2. Get your organization’s SIC code
  3. 3. Register with SAM
  4. 4. Submit an application for review

Helpful Reports and Publications:
  1. 1. FY2015 OPC Grants to the Outer Pacific
  2. 2. FY2011-2016 Guam Federal Programs Inventory
  3. 3. Super Circular 2 CFR 200
  4. 4. E.O. 12372 Program List

1. Quick Guide: Get a DUNS Number

To apply for federal grants, your organization is required to obtain a DUNS number. A DUNS number is a unique, non-indicative 9-digit identifier issued and maintained by D&B that verifies the existence of a business entity globally. D&B assigns DUNS numbers for each physical location of a business. Commercial, non-profit or government entities Self-employed individuals (only individuals such as; physicians, lawyers, contractors, etc. who are engaged in a specific commercial business activity) are eligible.

Obtaining a DUNS number is absolutely free for all entities doing business with the Federal government. This includes current and perspective Contractors, Grantees, and Loan recipients. Under normal circumstances the DUNS is issued within 1-2 business days when using the D&B online process. Once assigned, a D&B D-U-N-S® Number is not reused or reissued to another business entity. [source:]

In collaboration with the Department of Administration, the Guam State Clearinghouse issued a circular mandating the use of individual DUNS numbers for each agency. Before you attempt to register for a new DUNS number, please search for your entity name to see if one was issued in the past. If you discover that your entity acquired one in the past, it is not necessary for you to request a new one. Simply follow steps to request for the number and update the contact information related to the number.

Once your request is submitted, the POC identified in your DUNS request should receive a tracking number via email. If you do not receive your DUNS number within a week, please email their help desk at

View a step by step visual guide here: DUNS Guide

2. Quick Guide: Get your organization’s SIC code

To obtain your SIC code, please visit and click “examine manual structure” or search by keyword. For example, the Guam State Clearinghouse’s SIC code is 9111.

  • Division J: Public Administration
    • Major Group 91: Executive, Legislative, and General Government, Except Finance
      • Industry Group 911: Executive Offices

3. Quick Guide: Register with SAM

The System for Award Management (SAM) is the Official U.S. Government system that consolidated the capabilities of CCR/FedReg, ORCA, and EPLS. To register with SAM, please visit and create and account. This account should be managed by the ASO (or equivalent) of your organization or your Director’s designee(s). Once your account is created, you will be sent a confirmation email. Click on the link provided in the email to verify your email address and log in.

Your registration will go more quickly if you have some information on hand before you start. This includes gathering the following information:

  • You must have your Data Universal Numbering System (or DUNS) number from Dun and Bradstreet and the name and address associated to that DUNS. If you do not have this please contact Dun and Bradstreet at 866-705-5711. More information on DUNS numbers can also be found in the Help section of the website in the User Guide and the Frequently Asked Questions.

  • You must also have your Taxpayer Identification Number (or TIN) and your entity’s name from your W-2.

  • Your Contractor and Government Entity (CAGE) Code is also required if you already have one. If you don’t, and you are a US-based registrant, one will be assigned to you during the registration process. If you are an international (non-U.S.-based) registrant, you will need an NCAGE prior to registering. A weblink for where to get an NCAGE can be found in our FAQs.

Once you are logged in, click on “Manage Entity”. Add your entity DUNS number and follow the steps to validate. If your agency is a line agency, more than likely, you will use DOA’s EIN number. If you are unsure, please inquire with DOA to ensure your input the proper tax payer name.

You should receive an email confirming receipt of your registration. You may require a follow up email for registration activation. If you do not receive and email confirming activation, please contact the Federal Service Desk at

View a step by step visual guide here: SAM Guide or read the SAM Guide Transcript.

4. Quick Guide: Submit an Application for Review

Submission of a federal application packet for GSC review takes approximately 30 days. Applications should be submitted to the GSC prior to submission to the federal grantor agency. In some cases, we can accept concurrent or expedited reviews but the agency must request this in their cover letter.

Your agency should provide two hard copies, one original and one copy, as well as a soft copy on disk, thumb drive or via email. Your packet should include all of the following documents as required by the GSC and all other documents required by the federal grantor agency.

  • Cover letter (signed by director or equivalent)
  • GSC Notice of Intent form (all fields in this form are required)
  • ALL SF424 required forms (signed by director or equivalent)
  • Full grant proposal and other appendices required by grantor
The review timeline clock starts from the date of submission to the GSC. If you have any questions or would like further assistance, please contact your Agency’s Primary Contact. You can download the necessary forms on this website for your convenience.

External Reports and Guides:

Super Circular – 2 CFR 200

FY2014 OPC Grants to the Outer Pacific Report

2011-2016 Guam Federal Programs Inventory

E.O. 12372 Program List

Federal Grant Application Review

To view Federal Grant Application Review information, click here.

2015 Government of Guam Protocol Directory

For your convenience, you can download the most recent Government of Guam protocol directory here:

2015-Protocol Directory Updated 04/08/15

If you have any issues downloading the .zip file, please contact your GSC primary contact for assistance.
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